Angstrom Magnesium Side Effects
The 7 Questions of Angstrom Magnesium
1. What are the side effects of Angstrom Magnesium?
Unlike other magnesium supplements, Angstrom magnesium does not have any ill side effects when used at the prescribed dosage. Seriously defficient persons
may have to take larger doses of any brand magnesium to return to sufficient levels. This should be done under a professionals' care.
2. What kind of magnesium is Angstrom Magnesium?
Angstrom Magnesium starts out as magnesium chloride. The angstrom process removes the chloride and leaves magnesium bonded to reverse osmosis water.
3. What form is Angstrom Magnesium?
Angstom Magnesium is a liquid form and is absorbed on the cellular level.
Cellular absorption helps bypass the digestive tract.
By absorbing into the cell, the effects of too much magnesium in the intestine are minimized.
Thus, Angstrom Magnesium does not cause diarrhea at elevated doses.
4. How are other magnesium products different?
Typically, magnesium supplements are magnesium compounds. They are bonded to other minerals, sugar and other ingredients such as preservatives that have to be
broken down in the intestine. This forces the digestion to work harder to get the magnesium you need. Depending on the form of magnesium, when the intestine reaches magnesium saturation, it has to move out the unabsorbed magnesium,
causing diarrhea.
5. Is Angstrom Magnesium a laxative?
NO. If you are looking for the laxative effect, Angstrom Magnesium is not the magnesium you want. Angstrom Magnesium is
a supplement, not a laxative. Magnesium citrate of any brand acts as a laxative not a magnesium supplement because it
causes the bowel to purge, not absorb magnesium.
6.Other Magnesium supplements
Epsom salt, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide and other forms of over-the-counter magnesium are not efficient for supplementation. Magnesium gluconate is a good form of supplementation that is available through
an intervenious injection from a doctor.
With or without a doctor visit, Angstrom Magnesium is by far the most effective magnesium supplement.
7. Does Angstrom Magnesium have fillers or other ingredients?
NO. The Angstrom Mineral Company firmly believes that health must be addressed one mineral at a time and/or specially
combined minerals to pinpoint specific health needs. Therefore, Angstrom Minerals are single minerals bonded to reverse osmosis water.
We do not add a coctail of other minerals as a base or filler to our products. There are no other added ingredients such as: sugar, corn syrup, colors, preservatives, or flavors, etc.
Angstrom Mineral Combinations are formulated to work synergistically, one mineral with another to address specific mineral deficiencies.
In 1997, the National Academy of Sciences established a set of Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for magnesium that included age and gender specific Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for magnesium. Note that the recommendation for infants from 0-12 months of age is an Adequate Intake (AI) recommendation rather than an RDA. The AIs and RDAs are as follows:
0-6 months: 30 mg
7-12 months: 75 mg
1-3 years: 80 mg
9-13 years: 240 mg
14-18 years, female: 360 mg
14-18 years, male: 360 mg
19-30 years, female: 310 mg
19-30 years, male: 400 mg
31+ years, female: 320 mg
31+ years, male: 400 mg
Pregnant women, 14-18 years: 400 mg
Pregnant women, 19-30 years: 350 mg
Pregnant women, 31-50 years: 360 mg
Lactating women, 14-18 years: 360 mg
Lactating women, 19-30 years: 310 mg
Lactating women, 31-30 years: 320 mg
These absorption tables are based on tablets.
Tablets and capsules go through the digestion process. They have to be broken down by the body to a useable size. Most tablets and capsules, depending on the form of magnesium, are 5% to 7 % absorbable by the body.
This makes them less efficent than Angstrom magnesium which is 99.9% absorbable.
Angstrom Magnesium Side Effects
Anything in excess can produce side effects. When your body is deficient of magnesium you may experience mucle tightness, heart palpatations and other symptoms. Balance is the key.
If you take magnesium and notice the symptoms go away, you are deficient. At the same time, MORE is NOT always bettter. If you take more Angstrom Magnesium and the symptoms return, it is time to diminish the dose
you are taking. The key is having magnesium constantly available when you need it. Just like eating, you cannot eat enough today for a week. The same is true with supplements. They need to be taken in small doses
consistantly, not large doses here and there.
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