Dosage: 1 teaspoon as recommended by manufacturer. Refer to individual mineral bottle for dosages.
Taste: Mild Mineral water taste.
Do you suffer from acid Reflux? So many Americans do. With the low quality foods that we eat on the run, it is no wonder we suffer from digestive problems.
Now you have just finished a great tasting meal and settle in to accomplish some task. Bam! There it is. That nasty burning in your throat.
Some people usually sip on a little
Angstrom Sulfur to cool the burn.
That was a trick we learned from one of our customers. Re-Flux is a special combination of minerals especially to be a natural cure for acid reflux.
Having the right minerals in your body is a lasting effective cure for acid reflux. After all, the lack of minerals is why your body is malfunctioning. When you give it the minerals it needs, the body can heal itself.
When you are sick or in pain, you don not want to just cover it up. You want fast relief and start the healing process. Ant-acids and other tablets are only temporary. You don't want to force you body with drugs. As with any thing,
when you force something, something else has to break. That is what we call side effects of drugs. I find it funny that on the commercials, a lot of the side effects are worse than the symptoms you are trying to stop.
Finding natural cures for acid reflux can help you to live pain free. You know, when you have acid reflux, you stomach is not working properly. So how can it digest complex mineral tablets or capsules. You need a mineral that
is so small it can enter the cell with out digestion. Angstrom minerals come to the rescue. Angstrom minerals are so small they enter the cell with out digestion and start the healing process.
Angstrom Re-Flux contains:
Per One Teaspoon Dose
Sulfur 10 mg
Sodium 5 mg
Calcium 7.5 mg
Proprietary Amount:
Choose the Best, Choose Angstrom Minerals!